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Santa Rita Union School District
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none 2022-10-12

Hazard Statements

US FEDERAL HAZARD CLASSIFICATION AND LABELLING FOR ART MATERIALS: This product has been evaluated by a toxicologist and labelled for acute and chronic health hazards in accordance with the Labelling of Hazardous Art Materials Regulation and Federal Regulation 16 CFR 1500.14 of the Federal Hazardous Substances Act. This product conforms to ASTM D-4236 Standard Practice for Labelling Art Materials for Chronic Adverse health effects.

Precautionary Statements

First-aid measures general : Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. If you feel unwell, seek medical advice (show the label where possible). First-aid measures after inhalation : Allow affected person to breathe fresh air. Allow the victim to rest. First-aid measures after skin contact : Remove affected clothing and wash all exposed skin area with mild soap and water, followed by warm water rinse. First-aid measures after eye contact : Rinse immediately with plenty of water. Obtain medical attention if pain, blinking or redness persists. First-aid measures after ingestion : Rinse mouth out with water. In all cases of doubt, or when symptoms persist, seek medical attention. Please see section 15 labelling requirements for additional information Precautions for safe handling : Wash hands and other exposed areas with mild soap and water before eating, drinking or smoking and when leaving work. Provide good ventilation in process area to prevent formation of vapor. 7.2. Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities Storage conditions : Keep only in the original container in a cool, well ventilated place away from : Direct sunlight, Heat sources. Keep container closed when not in use. Incompatible products : Strong bases. Strong acids. Incompatible materials : Sources of ignition. Direct sunlight

Manufacturer information


Colart Americas, Inc




11 Constitution Avenue
Piscataway, 08855

Santa Rita Union School District
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